Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Quick note.

So I did take some photos this past weekend, the previous post containing one from a coffee trip I took in the early hours.

I contemplated doing a review of my coffee-going experience but seeing as how I only tried one item* and walked with my coffee I would not be able to give a good assessment of the shop.

That said, I'm working on sketches for possible work for a gallery and will put up a few more photos as the week progresses.

Serious writing may be reserved for next week, when I get back from a good friend's wedding!

Until next time!

*A pretty good iced latte. Not the best I've ever had but pretty good.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Don't tell my loved ones...

... but I may get addicted to British Panel shows. QI, Buzzcocks, and Have I got news for you. Lord. I need to figure out where this anglophile streak comes from.

Now for a ham fisted segway into the fact that once again, to no avail I have left this blog very much unattended.

So as an experiment, I'm going to take a page out of the Erin Filson playbook and find a way to commit to this thing at least on a weekly basis with stories of my travels, perhaps accompanied with photos.

Who knows though, it continues to be a strangely busy time for me. Fits and starts.


5 Things I need to do in the month of June 2011:

1. Learn to wake up at 5:30/6:00 am again. (Because not only will I get more out of my day, I need to learn how to not sleep again. There is simply too much to do.)
2. Update this blog! (If not for any other reason than I would like to start chronicling the strange places I discover and start putting my thoughts somewhere else than just my head)
3. Draw more! (Ideally every day but for the moment I need to get the rust out of my hands. I wake up every morning with a picture in my head. Nothing to do but try to make it real, if I mess up there is always another try)
4. Commit to a workout schedule (Speaks for itself)
5. Relax a bit. Its summer. Plus I have a wedding to attend.

Until next time!